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Abigail Hebert
Staff Writer — Class of
13 photos by Abigail Hebert
Abigail HebertROBISON ON RELIGION: Professor Claire Robison speaks at her book launch. She explored how the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has found its place in a world increasingly wary of religion.
Abigail HebertMIXING IT UP: Leslie A. Beattie, one of The Mix’s owners, hopes that the store’s move will facilitate a more engaging artistic community in Brunswick, as well as a more accessible and walkable location for artists.
Abigail HebertCOLES NOW: Coles Tower today remains a center of activity, allowing residents to easily access Thorne dining hall during the cold winter months.
Abigail HebertIN HARMONY: The Bowdoin Symphony Orchestra presents Gabriela Lena Frank’s “Three Latin American Dances” (2004) and Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Symphony No.5 in C Minor, Op. 67” (1808). George Lopez found that honoring musical legacies and modernity was equally important.
Abigail HebertGENERATIONAL GAPS: Jean Twenge speaks in Kresge Auditorium. Twenge’s lecture explored how generational differences have been exacerbated by technology from a social psychology perspective.
Abigail HebertHIDDEN HISTORY: Paul Jaskot delivers the annual Holocaust Education lecture in Kresge Auditorium. Jaskot spoke on the often unseen way architecture and forced Jewish labor in Nazi Germany were used to carry out the Holocaust.
Abigail HebertFROM RUSSIA TO THE BOWDOIN QUAD: Visiting Professor Ivan Kurilla has reached millions of viewers across the Russian speaking internet with his interview with youtuber and journalist Yury Dud.
Abigail HebertIDENTITY AND COMMUNITY: Yusur Jasim ’25, poet Maya Williams and drag queen Gigi Gabor sit in Kresge Auditorium for a panel moderated by Eli Bundy ’27. The panel, organized by SWAG for LGBTQ+ history month, explored building community and finding joy even in times of anti-trans hostility.
Abigail HebertCHAMBERLAIN IN CHARGE: Chamberlain Hall is named after the American Civil War general who later became President of Bowdoin College.
Abigail HebertBURRITOS OF BRUNSWICK: Brunswick residents line up to order from Taco the Town, one of Maine Street's most iconic food trucks, on a windy fall day. Taco the Town is known for its authority Mexican cuisine in Brunswick, adding culinary diversity to Brunswick's food scene.
Abigail HebertTALK TO THY ENEMY: Rachel Wahl presents on political dialogue and democracy in Kresge Auditorium. The talk was organized by the Office of Inclusion and Diversity as part of a series of lectures leading up to the presidential election.
Abigail HebertA HARD HISTORY: “The Malaga Ship: A Story of Maine and the Middle Passage” performance tells the story of Brunswick in the institution of slavery.
Abigail HebertWAVES OF ART: Panelists discuss Zero Station Gallery’s “Floating Worlds: The Intersections of Art, Science and Poetry” exhibition in Kresge Auditorium.