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BSG meets to discuss committee updates and budget proposals

November 8, 2024

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) met briefly on Wednesday in the Mills Hall event room to discuss various committee updates and three budget proposals.

BSG President Eisa Rafat ’25 began the meeting by acknowledging the feelings that students may have after the election the previous night.

“We understand that obviously today is a pretty heavy day after the elections,” Rafat said. “There’s anxiety in the air. There’s stress in the air.”

Rafat encouraged BSG members affected by the election to take comfort in the supportive community around them. He commented on how the Bowdoin community has been there for each other in the aftermath of the recent election.

“If you haven’t, talk to your friends. Don’t just sit on the anxiety,” he said. “I think a lot of people are feeling similarly.”

Rafat then prompted updates from committees. The committee to work on outreach for the new course registration system is awaiting a meeting with Professor of History and Associate Dean for Curriculum Dallas Denery to get updates and to begin work on an advertising component for it. The Student Affairs Committee is looking to plan winter sports tailgating events. The Student Activities Funding Committee is working on updating guidelines for allocating funds to groups on campus.

The Facilities and Sustainability Committee is working with Dining Service to assemble a group of people with different dietary restrictions to ensure dining is meeting the needs of all. Another committee is considering the implementation of sunset lamps in the College’s libraries. Another is working on an information session for starting a club and training sessions for club leaders.

BSG then passed three budget-related proposals, two of which pertain to costs for Thanksgiving break transportation offered to students. Last week, BSG voted on funding for a bus to transport students to Portland Jetport and plans for the bus to depart on November 22. While they initially passed $1,200 in funding, BSG Vice President Elliott Ewell ’27 explained Wednesday night that there was a miscommunication and the cost of the bus is actually $2,200. As a result, BSG passed an additional $1,000 in funding. Additionally, BSG passed $750 in funding for six vans to Portland Jetport on November 22 and 23. More information will come soon about the transportation offered.

The other proposal passed was for a small amount of funding for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee to table on campus. They hope to hear more thoughts from students about diversity and inclusion on campus.


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