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BSG hosts President Zaki, plans for solar eclipse and Ivies

March 29, 2024

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) met Wednesday night and was joined by President Safa Zaki to discuss her first year at Bowdoin. BSG also addressed plans for the April 8 solar eclipse, Ivies weekend and the upcoming BSG elections. After Zaki reflected on her first year at Bowdoin, the discussion was opened up to questions.

One question centered on the College’s response to the Residential Life (Res Life) student workers’ unionization efforts, specifically about the College’s hiring of Littler Mendelson Law Firm.

Zaki defended the College’s decision not to immediately recognize the union and to wait for and honor the results of the vote, as well as its decision to hire a law firm, Littler Mendelson, to represent and provide legal advice to the College in negotiations with the union. She said the College will work with the union if ResLife student workers vote to unionize on Wednesday.

Zaki’s reflection of her time at Bowdoin included how she has used her first year to learn about the history of the school and how it is presently run. In doing so, she has hosted lunches with students, had conversations with alumni on campus and at welcome events across the country and met with faculty members. She said the insight she gained from these interactions will help her plan for Bowdoin’s future.

Zaki has noted improvements that need to be made in regards to updating older buildings on campus, encouraging increased enrollment in humanities classes and improving admissions recruitment efforts across the country.

After the discussion with Zaki, BSG discussed its plan to distribute eclipse glasses throughout the next week as the April 8 solar eclipse—which will be observable in nearly full totality from Brunswick—approaches. While the plan has not been finalized, there will be multiple opportunities for students to pick up glasses and for proctors to hand them out in first-year bricks.

With Ivies weekend approaching at the end of April, BSG Vice President Anyi Sun ’26 said that BSG is working hard to recruit more student volunteers to be hosts for the weekend’s events. The position would be similar to that of the E-host but would require a different training.

BSG President Paul Wang ’24 closed the meeting by reminding members about upcoming BSG elections happening in the next few weeks. The election for BSG President and Vice President will occur the week of April 1, and elections for class councils and executive team will occur the week of April 8. He plans to record the information session for students interested in running for a position and distribute as needed to students unable to attend a session.


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