Year: 2024
Campus planning progresses with listening sessions
The College is in the process of planning the next seven years of campus design and construction, and students, faculty and staff were asked for their input. As the 2018–2025 Campus Master Plan comes to an end, the multi-year process …
Climate Change
Kate Olson speaks on climate change’s impact in Maine and ethnographic methods
On Tuesday, Adjunct Lecturer in Environmental Studies Kate Olson spoke to a packed room of students, faculty and community members in Mills Hall about climate change and its impacts. Olson’s talk, hosted by the Department of Environmental Studies, focused on …
Kurilla explains how America and Russia use contrast to create their national identities
On Tuesday evening in Searles Science Building, Ivan Kurilla, Visiting Tallman Scholar in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, delivered a lecture titled, “‘Distant Friends and Intimate Enemies’ What Does the Long History of Russian-American Relations Tell Us About the …
Professor Scott Sehon launches new book “Socialism: A Logical Introduction”
On Thursday, Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Philosophy Department Scott Sehon launched his new book “Socialism: A Logical Introduction,” which explores the arguments for and against socialism. In his book, Sehon considers rights-based arguments for socialism, then discusses …
BSG talks the Bowdoin Social Census, shuttle service and winter events
On Wednesday night, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) gathered in the Mills Hall event space for its final meeting of the semester. BSG met with Senior Vice President for Inclusion and Diversity Benje Douglas to discuss the Bowdoin Social Census and …
BOSS talks AI, ad hoc, alcohol and approval
The biannual Bowdoin Orient Student Survey is back with findings on student opinions about College events and issues. Through an anonymous survey, 335 students shared their views on the Ad Hoc Committee on Investments and Responsibility, political leanings after …
As student enrollment trends and liberal arts values collide, faculty disagree over how to respond
The College is embarking on a new donor-funded hiring initiative to add nine new faculty positions to academic departments with high student demand over the next two years.
Two positions will go to the Department of Computer Science and one …
Bottoms up: Exploring the past 30 years of alcohol culture at Bowdoin
Almost three decades ago, the College banned fraternities from campus, transforming social life at Bowdoin and creating the College House System. One major reason for the ban, as cited by the commission that recommended fraternity abolition, was a toxic drinking …
The Music Response Project
Ruminating on peace and dynamism in neo-soul
In 2015, Erykah Badu released the mixtape “But You Caint Use My Phone.” Inspired by artists such as Drake, J Dilla, Uncle Jamm’s Army and the Egyptian Lover, Badu utilizes this collection to emulate the styles of musicians she has …