Welcome to this year’s last “advice column with a twist!” In case you’re new here, this is how it works: Student questions are anonymously sent through a QR code, and community members from People Plus—a recreation center for older adults …
In my last edition of Burning Bowdoin Questions, I will answer every (and I mean every) remaining question that was asked of me. While I may not be able to provide the same level of detail for each question as …
I believed there were ladybugs crawling around my room. They turned out not to be.
Instead, they were Asian lady beetles (“Harmonia axyridis”). Common on campus in the fall and winter months, Asian lady beetles collect around windows and doors …
A tangy taste on the tongue, fluorescent lights beaming down and a distinct smell of meat wafting through the air. While gross to some, this has always been my taste of home. I am, of course, talking about Jersey Mike’s.…
The process for studying abroad during the 2024-25 academic year is officially underway. With the application opening just after winter break, now is the time for students to think about where they want to study.
For many students, Jewett Hall is best described as the shorter, unassuming cousin to Coles Tower, but what lies inside is a treasure trove of student innovation and creativity: the Bowdoin Maker Space.
Originally located in the Hawthorne-Longfellow Library and …
Jessica Britt ’10 volunteered at Safe Passage on a McKeen Center Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trip to Guatemala her senior year. Little did she know that years later she would become the organization’s Board Chair.
At the end of each semester, students in various visual and performing arts classes, ensembles and groups present their work to the campus community. This is the Orient’s guide to every event.
What once was a necessary distraction for me over the course of the pandemic, and a source of my unfiltered passion for the emergence of new and exciting tech, my VR headset now sits mostly unused at the back of …
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) opened its newest exhibition, “Face Forward: Recent Acquisitions,” yesterday. The exhibition explores the purposes and politics of portraiture and highlights recent additions to the museum’s collection.