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BSG discusses extended Thanksgiving break, new course reviews website

November 10, 2023

This week, the Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) reviewed the proposals for a full week of Thanksgiving break, the rollout of the new Bowdoin Course Reviews website and other updates about campus initiatives.

BSG discussed the Thanksgiving break proposals from the October 13 faculty meeting extensively. They talked about creating a survey for student opinions regarding an extension of the break and a meeting with administrators to review said proposals. Though President Safa Zaki ultimately makes the final decision, the recommendation vote at the December 8 faculty meeting will clarify the faculty view on a Thanksgiving break extension.

BSG also mentioned the new and improved Bowdoin Course Reviews website, which was announced to the student body in an email on Monday. The BSG praised the new website, created by Zane Bookbinder ’24 and Olivia Wirsching ’24, for being more navigable than the previous website and a good resource in aiding students’ course selections.

The Dining Advisory Committee discussed the recent BSG survey regarding suggestions students have for Dining Services. The committee reported that the survey had over 200 responses, and the committee will now discuss what students suggested and bring these survey response ideas to Dining Services.

The Facilities and Sustainability Committee provided updates on the therapy lamp program, which was introduced last year, and on the free laundry sheets program. The committee hopes to distribute the laundry sheets next week as they are almost done packing all of them. They project a similar timeline with the therapy lamps.

BSG also announced an update regarding a future meeting with the Executive Director of Health and Counseling Services Sandra Hayes. The meeting’s agenda includes discussing Counseling Services’s allocation of resources and how BSG and Counseling Services can collaborate to assess students’ perception of Counseling Services.

BSG passed four proposals at the meeting. They passed the standardization of designs used for BSG communications and the creation of a BSG award of $50 to two BSG board members for substantial contributions to BSG’s work. They also granted $6,000 to the men’s hockey team to use at a fundraising event for the Maine Community Foundation for their Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund and $800 to BSG’s book club for copies of the novel “Minor Detail,” which BSG hopes will raise awareness for the violence in Palestine and Israel.


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