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BSG talks student initiatives, builds foundations for upcoming year

October 13, 2023

The Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) held its second meeting of the academic year in Mills Hall on Wednesday. The agenda included student engagement and representation, resources available for students and how to develop a strong culture.

BSG discussed its current work toward implementing new and ongoing initiatives to improve student life. Most notably, BSG is giving out 700 free Headspace (an online meditation service) subscriptions as a new mental health resource for students. Students can access the subscription by scanning a QR code to make their own account.

BSG also discussed continuing previous initiatives, such as Free Flow, a project that ensures bathrooms on campus are stocked with free menstrual products. BSG made note of other amenities like Polarflix, a movie streaming service for students, and Bowdoin Course Review, a platform for students to review professors and courses.

Residential Life (ResLife) representative Eisa Rafat ’25 talked about the BSG’s initiative to provide free laundry sheets and detergent in first-year bricks. The free laundry sheets have already begun to be distributed in the bricks, and ResLife staff says it has been a successful program so far.

Additionally, Facilities and Sustainability Chair Brandon Lozano-Garay ’24 discussed new charging stations that support MacBook, USB-C and lightning cables. The Bowdoin Maker Space built three charging stations that will be distributed throughout campus soon.

Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Dean of Student Engagement and Leadership Katie Toro-Ferrari also attended the meeting this week. Various members of BSG asked her questions about her perspective on the organization and advice for BSG to achieve its goals. The questions focused on BSG building a stronger relationship with the student body and receiving more support from college administration.


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