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Highlight Reel for February 3

February 3, 2023


The women’s track and field team had two first place finishers, Kianne Benjamin ’24 and Charlotte Hodge ’25, in the non-scoring New England Small College Invite in Boston last weekend. Benjamin broke a school record that was previously set in 2020 in the 200m with a time of 25.21 seconds and also finished second in the 60m. Hodge placed first in the pole vault. Jared Joyce ’24 led the men’s team with a third place finish in the 400m. His time of 49.80 seconds is the fourth-fastest time in program history. Lars Sorom ’26, Justin Whitney ’25 and Kane Demers ’26 all placed fifth in their respective events. The Polar Bears will travel to Lewiston to compete in the Maine State Championship tomorrow.


The Nordic ski team finished seventh overall at the University of New Hampshire Carnival last weekend. On Friday, the women placed fifth overall, led by Aggie Macy ’24, who finished 17th. Jori Grialou ’26 and Emma Crum ’26 finished 20th and 21st place, respectively. On the men’s side, Zachary Ennis ’23 earned 20th place, and Carson Williams ’24 and Adam Carlisle ’25 finished in the top-30. In the 20k race held on Saturday, Grialou came in 12th place, and Crum placed 14th. The Polar Bears have this weekend off due to inclement weather conditions and will return to action at the Harvard Carnival on February 10.


The women’s squash team (11–7; 4–5 NESCAC) defeated Dickinson College (3–10) 8–1 last Saturday. Bowdoin won positions two through nine with 3–0 shutouts. Amanda Cowhey ’25, Darcy Weber ’26, Caroline Glaser ’23, Ursula Sze ’23, Skyler Spaulding ’24, Clio Bersani ’22, Mira Karande ’26 and Sophie Barber ’23 took home victories for Bowdoin. The Polar Bears are ranked 17th in the Collegiate Squash Association. The 25th-ranked men’s team (5–12; 2–7 NESCAC) squash teams also beat Dickinson (2–11) 7–2 by winning the top two and bottom five positions. Bowdoin points came from Jackson Rho ’24, Nick Wilkinson ’25, Abhi Nagireddygari ’25, Joe French ’26, Justin Barr ’24, Jack Winston ’25 and Deven Kanwal ’23. Both teams will close out their regular seasons tomorrow at Colby College.


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