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Schiller Center dedicated

May 13, 2022

On Thursday, the Schiller Coastal Studies Center (SCSC) was officially dedicated fifteen months after construction was completed. The Board of Trustees attended the ceremony and reception as part of its first in-person meeting in over two years.

Formerly a smaller education facility, the SCSC was significantly expanded to include a dry lab, the Living and Learning Center and four residential cabins. The expansion was made possible by a $10 million donation made in 2017 by Philip Schiller P’17, a member of the Board of Trustees, and Kim Gassett-Schiller P’17.

Located on a 118-acre property in Harpswell, the SCSC has been used by Bowdoin students and faculty for marine research since the summer of 2021. This past fall, students in the Bowdoin Marine Science Semester were the first to use the classroom space and conduct research in the new labs.

The SCSC has also been in use by the broader Bowdoin community since its reopening, including the sailing team and Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC). The BOC has run both orientation trips and regular overnight and day trips out of the SCSC residential facilities. The administration hopes to increase the number of students who casually spend time at the SCSC by implementing a regular shuttle to and from the main campus.

In addition to the Board of Trustees, attendees at the dedication included David and Barbara Roux P’14, who donated the Roux Center for the Environment to Bowdoin in 2016. Also in attendance were faculty, staff and students who have conducted research at the Center. The dedication ceremony was followed by a reception, tours of the facilities and a lobster bake.


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