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Sacha Santimano leaves role as women’s basketball coach

April 15, 2022

Courtesy of Brian Beard
MOVING ON: Women’s basketball coach Sacha Santimano will not continue in her role with the College beyond this year. A search for her replacement is underway, as the Athletic Department would like to name Santimano’s successor by the end of the semester.

On Wednesday morning the Athletic Department announced that Sacha Santimano would not continue as the women’s basketball head coach. Santimano, who led the Polar Bears to a 16-9 record (5-5 NESCAC), will not return after leaving for family health reasons.

“I am grateful for the positive contributions [Santimano] made to our community during her time at Bowdoin,” Ashmead White Director of Athletics Tim Ryan said in a statement from the Athletic Department. “I look forward to following her success in the future.”

After a rather tumultuous season that included the program’s worst record since the 2012-13 season and a surprising first-round exit from the NESCAC tournament, Ryan acknowledged the difficulties that lie ahead.

“This certainly is a challenging situation for our players, as some team members will have their third head coach in three years next season,” Ryan wrote in an email to the Orient. “With challenge comes opportunity, and we are going to make the best of this opportunity for our program.”

Ryan also understands that it is crucial for the team to not fall behind, and, consequently, plans to bring in a new coach as soon as possible.

“Our search for a new head coach will begin this week and we hope to have our process completed by the end of the spring semester,” Ryan said. “With that being said, we will take the time necessary to complete a thorough and successful search process.”

Santimano did not respond to requests for comment.


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