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Highlight Reel for September 3

September 3, 2021


After an 18-month halt to athletic competition due to COVID-19 restrictions and protocols from the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the College will return to a jam-packed schedule beginning next week. Fall semester athletic competitions begin with Men’s Soccer taking on the University of New England at home and Women’s Volleyball facing the University of Southern Maine at USM on Tuesday, September 7.


On Wednesday, September 1, the College’s athletic department released to the public its new spectator policy for home competitions. At competitions held indoors, spectators must be masked at all times and display proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon entrance. At outdoor competitions, spectators will not be required to be masked assuming that they can maintain proper physical distance between themselves and others, but they will be asked to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon entrance and must not enter College buildings. For all competitions, people under the age of 12 will not be granted entrance due to their inability to be vaccinated.


Over the course of the 2021-2022 academic year, the College’s athletic department will partake in six educational seminars with the Institute for Sport and Social Justice based in Orange County, Florida. The goal of the Institute for Sport and Social Justice is to use peoples’ passion for athletics as a channel to educate them about prejudice, diversity and social justice.


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