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Summer housing to predominantly return to normal, some restrictions still in place

April 23, 2021

On March 4, President Clayton Rose announced that the College will offer on-campus housing for students pursuing summer employment and research. Last summer, few students were offered on-campus housing due to COVID-19 restrictions.

According to Director of Events and Summer Programs Tony Sprague, the guidelines for summer housing eligibility will be returning to normal—students who are employed for at least 20 hours a week on campus, pursuing a research fellowship on campus or completing a CXD-funded internship off campus or remotely will be eligible to live in campus housing. Students pursuing a remote internship that is unaffiliated with the College will not be permitted to apply for summer housing. The majority of students will be housed in Brunswick Apartments and Harpswell Apartments.

Students living in Bowdoin housing will take part in an on-campus testing program with the Broad Institute, though the exact details have yet to be worked out. These students will also be required to sign a summer community agreement. According to Sprague, this agreement will require all students who are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine to be fully immunized by June 1.

The summer community agreement will permit interactions between students living on and off campus, which is a marked change from both the fall and spring agreements.

“We will still expect students to continue to follow the appropriate public health guidelines Maine has in effect in all their interactions with other people during the summer,” Sprague wrote in an email to the Orient. “Once we transition to the summer (after June 1st) we would anticipate that the campus status level would allow students to interact with students living off campus.”


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