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PHOTO ESSAY : there’s always a “knead” for bagels

September 18, 2020

Mackey O'Keefe

Jasper Gordon ’21 has been baking with his family as long as he can remember. After feeling homesick his first semester, Gordon began baking bagels out of Burnett House. His passion for baking bagels started as small batches for friends, but since then, Gordon has started taking orders through a Google Form which has led to “Jasper’s Bagels. ”

Mackey O'Keefe
Kneading more bagels Jasper Gordon '21 works to complete local bagel orders
Mackey O'Keefe
Mackey O'Keefe
Mackey O'Keefe
Mackey O'Keefe
Mackey O'Keefe
Mackey O'Keefe




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