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College warns immunocompromised students of coronavirus dangers

March 9, 2020

On Friday, the College sent to a message students with health conditions affecting their immune system informing them that there is a higher risk than the general college population in returning campus due to the nationwide outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). In the message sent immunocompromised students’ Student Health Portals, the administration indicated that it was working with faculty to create a curriculum and system for students who are unable to return to campus in order for them to continue their studies online.

Maddie Hikida ’22, a recipient of the message, said she was happy administrators were taking the health of students seriously.

“I’m glad that they’re preparing people with health issues for the worst, but it’s still frustrating how little we know and how little control there is,” she said.

This email comes during a complicated period for the College as it continues to contend with the rapid spread of the virus. On Monday, Amherst College became the first member of the NESCAC to announce that all classes will take place remotely, following the lead of other universities across the country. As of now, the Bowdoin administration has not signaled any intention to prevent healthy students from returning to campus.

Hikida added that she hopes her fellow students recognize the scope of the outbreak.

“If anything, I just hope people realize that coronavirus is bigger than “a little worse than the flu” or “doesn’t really impact young people,” Hidika said.


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