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Two arrested after Brunswick burglary spree

January 24, 2020

Two men have been jailed in connection with a string of burglaries last week that targeted four businesses and two churches in Brunswick, police say.

Jonathan West, 25, and Jarrod Sennstrom, 18, who live together at 71 Hennessy Avenue, were arrested on Thursday and charged with theft and burglary. Both men are being held in Cumberland County Jail in advance of a court appearance scheduled for today.

Police say the defendants stole thousands of dollars in cash and an array of items including guitars, laptops and alcohol. Most of the pilfered items were recovered when police executed a search warrant at the pair’s home.

West and Sennstrom are alleged to have forced their way into two churches, two breweries, a dog grooming business and a dog daycare center. The break-ins occurred over four days last week, according to Brunswick Police Department (BPD) Commander Mark Waltz.

Waltz said police apprehended the duo after requesting the public’s help in identifying suspects seen in surveillance footage. Waltz added that BPD received “multiple” tips after the department distributed photos and videos of the suspects, including to Bowdoin’s Office of Safety and Security. Executive Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols forwarded BPD’s email containing the photos and videos to the campus community on Wednesday.

Nate Wildes, co-founder of Flight Deck Brewing, which was burglarized the night of January 19, estimated that the business suffered losses approaching $10,000.

“[The burglars] forced their way in and took their time exploring,” Wildes explained.

Wildes added that the burglars were recorded swiping alcohol from the brewery.

“They stole a bottle of red wine and were caught on camera drinking it as they were leaving,” Wildes said.

A manager at Blue Dog Daycare, which was also burglarized the night of January 19, said the perpetrators used a crowbar to enter the building through a back door and subsequently stole a laptop and “a couple hundred dollars.”

Wildes, who said that Flight Deck had never previously been burglarized, commended the Brunswick community for its response to the break-in.

“It’s violating physically and emotionally when this happens,” Wildes said. “Our sense of security was violated, but it was rebuilt and then some with the outpouring of support from the community.”


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