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Housing lottery to move all online for next year

November 8, 2019

In an email to the students on Wednesday, Director of Residential and Housing Operations Lisa Rendall announced that the housing lottery process will take place completely online beginning this spring.

Rendall also confirmed that the new Harpswell Apartments will be available for the 2020-21 academic year.

More detailed information about the housing lottery will be available to students at the beginning of the spring semester, but Rendall wanted to give advance notice to students who may be affected by these changes in policy.

The new system will replace the existing method of room selection, which takes place in person over the course of four nights. The in-person format has created problems for some students, especially those studying abroad. Students who were unable to attend the lottery had to select a proxy to choose on their behalf.

The email specified that the Office of Residential Life expects Park Row and Harpswell Apartments to be selected primarily by rising seniors. The new Harpswell Apartments, similarly to the Park Row Apartments, will be composed of 4-, 6- and 8-room apartments with single bedrooms and private kitchens and bathrooms.


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