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BSG votes on amendments to bylaws, social code revisions

November 16, 2018

Among the issues Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) members discussed Wednesday at their weekly meeting were amendments to the bylaws and potential revisions to the College’s Social Code.

The changes in the bylaws, a motion from Vice President Amber Rock ’19, are intended to match the language of the BSG constitution. According to the minutes from November 7, these adjustments will include replacing gendered pronouns with gender-neutral ones, incorporating the new BSG position of Chair for Diversity and Inclusion, and changing the “vice president” titles to “chair.” BSG voted unanimously to accept these revisions.

Regarding the Social Code, several members noted that while other peer institutions meet annually to update their social codes, Bowdoin has not done so formally in recent years. In light of the uptick in reported bias incidences this semester, members agreed that the current code does not provide concrete definitions for bias incidences or sexual misconduct cases, which leaves more room for these instances to occur without consequence. One such example cited at the meeting was the phrase “behavior unbecoming of a Bowdoin Student.” The Academic Code, however, outlines strict boundaries around academic dishonesty.

BSG President Mohamed Nur ’19 said that he wants revisions to the Social Code to be a priority for BSG and decided to create an ad hoc committee to focus on this process.

Ezra Sunshine contributed to this report.


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