Almost all that the Etruscans left behind was left in their graves: Little else of their civilization remains. Scholars know they were fantastic plumbers—they built the first major sewer in what is now Rome, known as the Cloaca Maxima, and …
Last Friday, music was played, dance was performed and art was displayed—all underneath the domed ceiling of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) Rotunda. Student band Night Hawk performed six original songs inspired by Edward Hopper’s paintings in matinee …
“My interest in drawing is eternal,” Jim Dine said in a conversation with the Orient. “I could never have done anything with my work if I hadn’t drawn.”
Over the course of his decades-long career, Dine has dipped his toes …
Students, faculty and community members filed into the Beam Classroom last Thursday, February 8, as Caitlin Beach ’10 delivered a lecture on 19th-century sculptor Edmonia Lewis. Beach, now assistant professor of art history at Fordham University, guided the audience through …
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) held a gallery tour and reception for its newest exhibition, “Without Apology: Asian American Selves, Memories, Futures” yesterday. The exhibition, which opened in December, is the first at the museum to center Asian …
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) opened its newest exhibition, “Face Forward: Recent Acquisitions,” yesterday. The exhibition explores the purposes and politics of portraiture and highlights recent additions to the museum’s collection.
There have been 23 queer-owned auto mechanic shops in the United States and Canada from the 1970s to the present, according to artist LJ Roberts. As halley k harrisburg ’90 and Michael Rosenfeld Artist-in-Residence, Roberts was on campus October 17-27 …
Textiles’ place in the world of Western art has, at times, been tenuous. Woven works that have both a functional purpose and a presence as an art form have historically been devalued in comparison to European painting and sculpture, according …
Last Thursday, the Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) opened “Currents: Art Since 1875,” an exhibition of contemporary and modern art centered on three themes: “Labor / Bodies,” “Migration / Environment,” and “Inspiration / Appropriation.” BCMA Curator Casey Braun selected …
On Thursday, the Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) hosted a community concert and discussion in Kresge Auditorium to commemorate the closing of “Mina Loy: Strangeness is Inevitable.” The event featured experimental hip-hop artist busterwolf and artist-composer Ross Cisneros. Growing …