Over 70 percent of non-senior students said they will not enroll in a remote fall semester, according to the Orient’s biannual approval rating survey. However, students overwhelmingly support Bowdoin’s handling of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
This week, the Orient sent out its biannual approval rating survey, known as the Bowdoin Orient Student Survey, to gauge student opinion on campus institutions. The survey was sent to all 1,973 students and yielded 504 responses (25.5 percent).
Last week, the Orient sent out a revised version of its biannual approval ratings survey, known as the Bowdoin Orient Student Survey, which asks students about their habits and opinions in relation to the College. The survey was sent to …
This week the Orient sent out a revised version of its biannual approval ratings survey, now called the Bowdoin Orient Student Survey, which asks students about their opinions on campus institutions. The survey was sent to all 1,816 students and …