Unfortunately, time did not allow us to conduct investigative journalism at a party. However, we had been meaning to write about alternative functions for a while, and the Thorne Thanksgiving Dinner just so happened to be the week that we …
Orient contributor M. Gordon was doing some field work recently at another small liberal arts college. While he came back with a lot of thoughts, some of the thoughts were too hot for print media. And, as always, it pretty …
So often, we criticize Bowdoin’s social scene at its highest energy—the parties. But how can we ensure a successful nightlife if we don’t warm up the right way? Enjoy this week’s conversation:
Returning to the College from abroad and seeing the excitement from the incoming first years has us—to put it in Adler-ic terms—stoked to party. But all we’ve known at the College is a social scene that people complain about.