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Sazón y Corazón

Total Number of Articles: 12

First Article on this Page: October 16, 2020

Latest Article on this Page: May 14, 2021

Sazón y Corazón

My favorite happy neighborhood

Google often artistically alters its logo to commemorate notable events, holidays or historical figures. Known as a Google Doodle, it often contains interesting information about what’s being commemorated, and I enjoy reading about the different people and occasions being recognized. …

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Sazón y Corazón

The reggaeton revolution

Every December, music streaming service Spotify releases their annual “Wrapped” review, which examines the most popular music of the year for both individual users and the platform as a whole. Across social media, Spotify users shared their most beloved artists, …

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Sazón y Corazón

My first love, fútbol

I had never witnessed a more beautiful scene in my life. The red and white shades colored every shop and restaurant around me. The coastal night sky boomed with fireworks as the moonlight shone on the pristine waters of Larcomar, …

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