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Sophie Cullen
Orient Staff — Class of
4 photos by Sophie Cullen
Sophie CullenWRITTEN CROSSROADS: The Bowdoin College Museum of Art exhibition “Poetic Truths” and the Special Collections “Bowdoin College Class of 1825” digital archive and display focus on the figures of alumni Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Nathaniel Hawthorne and their influence on Bowdoin, the arts and more.
Sophie CullenWRITTEN CROSSROADS: The Bowdoin College Museum of Art exhibition “Poetic Truths” and the Special Collections “Bowdoin College Class of 1825” digital archive and display focus on the figures of alumni Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Nathaniel Hawthorne and their influence on Bowdoin, the arts and more.
Sophie CullenARTISTIC RESISTANCE: Aly Spaltro, known by her artist name Lady Lamb, performed at the SJP encampment. She believes art is important to revolution, and she is currently in the process of writing a protest album.
Sophie CullenARTISTIC RESISTANCE: Aly Spaltro, known by her artist name Lady Lamb, performed at the SJP encampment. She believes art is important to revolution, and she is currently in the process of writing a protest album.