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Robert Sobak

Op-ed contributor

Number of articles: 4

First Article: November 1, 2019

Latest Article: March 4, 2022

So long, and thanks for the all the fish

On Friday, February 25 the best of what Bowdoin can be was on full display. Professors Laura Henry, Page Herrlinger, Reed Johnson and Mira Nikolova guided students, faculty and staff—all packed like sardines into Searles 315—in grappling with the Russian …

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McKeen Fellow

Refutation takes time

Raise your hand if Paul Franco’s dog has ever eaten your breakfast.

I knew it! I knew I was not alone!

One of the great pleasures of a walk across the Bowdoin quad is a chance meeting with that lovable …

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McKeen Fellow

Gorgias comes to Brunswick

It is never difficult to show my students just how relevant the Greeks and Romans are to their own lives. But my job as a Classics professor has become, unfortunately, even easier with the current state of our world. It …

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