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Radu Stochita

Op Ed Contributor — Class of 2022

Number of articles: 15

First Article: April 3, 2020

Latest Article: February 4, 2022

How to negotiate a higher salary

Driving a 2002 Honda to work, you stop for gas and search for the remaining pennies you have in your pocket. You never pump to a full tank, allowing only a couple of gallons to get you to work and …

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Do not neglect labor

Over the past three years, I have witnessed a change in discussion about labor, unionization, workplace ethics and the like. While unions might have been a hard topic to approach a couple of years ago, it is becoming more common …

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The PRO Act

The PRO Act represents an important step for every worker, both domestic and overseas. Given the importance of the United States on the global scale of politics, passing more pro-organized labor legislation could contribute to a further shift towards unions …

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