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Miles Berry

Staff Writer — Class of 2025

Number of articles: 20

First Article: September 16, 2022

Latest Article: February 2, 2024

The life cycle of the semester

As unpopular as it might be, there is something that I love about the end of the semester. Even in the face of the all-consuming stress of exams, papers and final projects, those last few weeks of both December and …

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Finding Time

Time, attention and love

In my photography class a few weeks ago, we were discussing a chapter from novelist Anne Lamott’s book “Bird by Bird.” Titled “Looking Around,” this chapter argues that in order to write or, more broadly, engage with any form of …

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Finding Time

The supremacy of the clock

Like many other students, the seminal challenge of my first year at Bowdoin was understanding how to manage the absolute freedom of being away at college and the seemingly total control over how I spent my time. In many cases, …

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