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Michael Solano
Staff Writer — Class of
3 photos by Michael Solano
Michael SolanoHOPPE TO THE VOTE: Bowdoin Votes Co-Program Coordinator Amelia Kane ’27 and Jim Hoppe, Dean for Student Affairs, pose for a photo-op before leading students to the Brunswick Town Hall to vote. For some students, this election was their first time voting.
Michael SolanoLONG LIVE THE QUEEN: Kai Mundkur ’26, Ian Bridges ’28, Zunain Husain ’25 and Hunter Hunt ’28 star in “The Balcony.” Jean Genet’s play explores the dynamics of power, illusion and sex within the halls of a brothel.
Michael SolanoTALENT ATTACHES: Liam Rodriguez '28 gives an impromptu music performance at Jack Magee Pub's talent show for students and alumni.