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Henry Abbott

Columnist — Class of 2027

Number of articles: 5

First Article: September 15, 2023

Latest Article: November 17, 2023

Memories of Maine

It can happen here

A common way of ignoring climate change whenever it rears its ugly head is to view the problem as one for people somewhere else. Those of us lucky enough to grow up in cold climates see forecasts of a warming …

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Memories of Maine

Where do we go from here?

On the last Wednesday of October, Lewiston found itself forever changed. Its name has gained the same infamy as countless other towns throughout the country. The kind of hurt that seeps out of the names Uvalde, Sandy Hook, Columbine—at least …

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Memories of Maine

Not in Maine’s backyard

Maine has had a long history of relative political diversity for a state of its homogeneity and small size. While socioeconomic divides in Maine run deep, Maine politics is known for its purple shades—even if there have been eras where …

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Memories of Maine

How many Maines are there?

When talking about Maine’s differences from the rest of the country with my new acquaintances, I have spoken frequently about division. I have spent much of my time explaining how Brunswick was “one Maine” and Lewiston was “another,” and how …

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