Polar Eyes
Taking the heat
As students write papers in the wee hours of the morning, snooze their alarm for an 8 a.m. class, labor over crossword puzzles at lunch, go for an afternoon run, or dance the night away in a dimly lit basement, …
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Number of articles: 2
First Article: April 14, 2017
Latest Article: May 5, 2017
As students write papers in the wee hours of the morning, snooze their alarm for an 8 a.m. class, labor over crossword puzzles at lunch, go for an afternoon run, or dance the night away in a dimly lit basement, …
Anyone who has enjoyed an iced mocha, a London fog or a Sunrise Smoothie from The Café in the past two years probably has Molly Safford to thank. Safford has worked in The Café since Fall 2015, though she previously …