Madeleine Pinne
Number of articles: 4First article: September 23, 2011
Latest article: November 18, 2011
All articles
Historical perspective: Hazing through the ages at Bowdoin
One hundred and thirty years ago, hazing at Bowdoin might have encompassed fraternal coal-throwing and accidental blindness. The New York Times ran a story entitled "Old-Time Hazing at Bowdoin," on November 28, 1881. The article reads: "The Maine newspapers tell us that a Portland lawyer has brought suit claiming $10,000 from each of seven Sophomores in Bowdoin College for injuries to his Freshman son's eyes by a piece of coal thrown through his window in a hazing scrape. This brings to the mind of a corresponddent (sic) of the Journal the tradition of a notable incident of the same kind in the same college many years ago."
YALP to SCLP: changing the name of the game
Bowdoin's Young Alumni Leadership Program (YALP) is changing both its name and its approach this year in a move designed to ensure that all of its members are as dedicated as possible to strengthening their relationship with Bowdoin after they graduate.
J-Board releases Annual Report detailing 15 cases from 2010-11
The Judicial Board (J-Board) recently released its 2010-2011 annual report in an email to students, faculty and staff.
Campus on alert as theft investigation continues
The Bowdoin Office of Safety and Security and the Brunswick Police Department (BPD) are continuing their investigations into a chain of recent burglaries on campus and the surrounding area. Following football practice on the afternoons of September 9 and 10, several students reported items missing from the football team's locker room in Pickard Field House, including cash, credit cards, cell phones, athletic apparel, a team playbook and stereo equipment.