Rory Brinkmann
Number of articles: 2First article: October 23, 2009
Latest article: December 4, 2009
All articles
Social realities at Bowdoin require gender-neutral housing
The most recent issue of the Orient had two pieces about the prospect of an upperclassmen gender-neutral housing policy. At the moment, only students of the same gender are allowed to share a bedroom; gender-neutral housing at Bowdoin would change this. I am glad that the College is beginning to discuss this possible shift in housing policy, for our rooming situations have a significant influence on our time at Bowdoin.
Gender-neutral housing option needed
Consider the array of housing options at Bowdoin: our impeccable first-year residence halls and our comfy Brunswick Apartments; our well-funded houses and our vista-giving Tower rooms. In addition to the range of options we face each year when the lottery looms in the latter half of spring, we are fortunate to have well trained proctors and RAs, friendly full-time residential staff, and a say in how the social houses affect our college experience.