Stephen Gogolak
Number of articles: 2First article: April 30, 2004
Latest article: April 1, 2005
All articles
Once a monopoly, meets its Match
Revamped opens to first years and offers new dating services for when poking just isn?t enough
When was launched at Bowdoin last summer, it caught on quickly and spread through the Bowdoin community like wildfire. By the first week of school, nearly the entire campus was signed up, and numbers today are topping more than 1700, with loyal members including not only current students and alumni, but also a few faculty and staff members. With such a fast and successful introduction, it's hard to imagine another web service that could rival
Dating at Bowdoin is dead
It has been for as long as I can remember, and I want to know where the good old days of dating went. You remember, the ones your parents tell you about.