Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) voted 20 to one in favor of a proposal to extend Thanksgiving break to a week. The faculty will vote next Monday on the proposal.
On Wednesday, BSG debated the resolution set forth by its academic affairs committee. The proposal was put forward after the results of student surveys were presented to BSG.
Final revisions to the proposal will be announced next week.
"It thus becomes incumbent upon each of you to express your will to the faculty if you want to implement this change," said BSG President Derek Brooks in an email to the student body on Thursday. "Our biggest obstacle is the faculty's perception that we don't want this, let them know otherwise!"
BSG also held a final unanimous vote approving changes to the Student Activities Funding Committee (SAFC) handbook this week. The new handbook is worded in a clearer fashion and has been reorganized. It also includes additional sections elaborating on the committee's funding allocation process, and moved regulations for club sports teams under general club guidelines.
The Student Organization Oversight Committee (SOOC) also worked with the SAFC this week, reporting the completion of storage shelves for student clubs in Smith Union. The SOOC received $700 from the SAFC and another $700 from the Office of Student Activities to coordinate the project. The shelves will be officially open for use after winter break.
BSG will hold its final meeting of the year next week.