To the Editors:
The Office of Multicultural Student Programs, within the Office of Student Affairs, has revoked funding for speakers at the Protestant chapel service. Why? At one service, a Freeport pastor read Chapter 1 of Paul's Letter to the Romans and suggested that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with Christian ethics, as reported in "BCF chapel service sparks controversy" (September 23).
In light of this decision, we make the following request of the Dean of Student Affairs: Please publish a black-and-white document spelling out exactly what you will and will not permit funded speakers to say.
If it is the official policy of the administration that no funded speaker may give voice to the historic Christian, Jewish or Islamic teaching on sexual ethics, then please, by all means, say so clearly and unambiguously.
The deans should outline their speech policies so that student organizations can tell their speakers what ideas will not be tolerated.
Finally, we also ask President Mills to lead our College in thinking about these fundamental questions.
What topics are off-limits to college-funded speakers at religious services? Which positions are they not permitted to take?
President Mills spoke admirably about diversity of thought in his 2010 Convocation Address. Surely this practical and potentially divisive matter merits his attention.
Colin LeCroy '04
Matthew Stanton '02
Louise Duffus '07
Emily Duffus '03