With frustrations mounting over the lack of electrical outlets in Smith Union, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) followed through on a plan to make power more easily accessible by installing more outlets earlier this week.
According to BSG Representative Leah Greenberg '13, many students believed the existing outlets to be inconveniently placed along the bar near the Café.
At-Large Representative Sam Vitello '13 brought the idea of installing more sockets in Smith Union to the attention of the Facilities Committee, which quickly drew up plans for the installation of new, more conveniently-placed outlets.
Greenberg met with a campus electrician and Dean of Student Activities Allen Delong, who, according to Greenberg, said that more outlets "should have been put in when they remodeled the Union."
Greenberg said that the installation "didn't cost BSG anything." Greenberg also stated the whole process took only "three days in total."