"Everything is on the table."
Bowdoin Student Government President John Connolly '11 confirmed that Dining Service would be considering terminating Super Snack as a result of drunken behavior and mistreatment.
Connolly sent a campus-wide e-mail referring to last Saturday's Super Snack where multiple people vomited at Thorne Hall and had to be transported to Parkview Adventist Medical Center.
Connolly said that any decision to cancel Super Snack would take a lot of time and thought, but, for now, Dining Service has instituted a new policy that visibly intoxicated students will be turned away.
A sign was posted stating the change at Wednesday's Super Snack, Connolly said.
Director of Dining & Bookstore Services Mary Kennedy and Associate Director of Dining Service Ken Cardone declined to comment for this story.
In his September 30 e-mail to the student body, Connolly provided links to two posts on Curia regarding Saturday's incident.
One was a report of the night from a Super Snack staffer, which Connolly felt was very important for the campus to read.
The other was an anonymous apology regarding the incident that Connolly believed was valuable for the discussion it had driven. As of early Friday morning the post had 72 comments.
"I don't want Super Snack canceled," Connolly said. "That's one reason I sent the e-mail."
Connolly stressed the value of dialogue. "Hopefully we can get some good out of this," he said. "People are at least talking about this and thinking about this."
According to Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols, two students and one visitor were transported to Parkview Hospital.
All three transports occurred almost simultaneously at around 12:20 a.m. on September 26. One transport occurred at Coles Tower and involved a 19-year-old female student. According to Nichols, the female was released a short time later and the transport was a considered a "precautionary measure."
Another incident involved a 19-year-old male who was found vomiting in the bathroom of Thorne Hall at Super Snack. Earlier that night, the student had consumed hard alcohol at an unregistered event.
A third transport involved a 22-year-old male who was visiting friends on campus. The male had vomited on himself and the surrounding area at Super Snack. Because of the short time span between the three incidents, three rescue units were called in.
Two of the units came from Brunswick, while a third was dispatched from Topsham. Nichols stated that it was "an extremely rare instance to have to have a unit from Topsham [dispatched]."