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The Bowdoin Orient

Orient Staff

Number of articles: 9

First Article: October 20, 2017

Latest Article: May 13, 2022


Student survey captures anger with administration, hopes for change

In the final weeks of the semester, the Orient conducted its annual Bowdoin Orient Student Survey (BOSS). Approximately 20 percent of the student body, 353 students, responded to the survey.

Students expressed …

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PAGE TWO: Security Report September 25

Thursday, September 17

  • Several students on campus reported being approached by a man offering to sell illicit drugs. Security identified a possible suspect who was later identified as an 18-year-old Brunswick resident. The Brunswick police located the suspect and issued

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BSG Candidacy Statements

In addition to written statements, which the Orient traditionally publishes, we asked each candidate to tell us what they care about in a video statement.


Marcus Williams ’21

Dear fellow classmates,

From speaking to many of you on …

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